
CHIPS - The Stablecoin

Contract address: 0x7a4Feb21b86281F7D345dEDE500c9C51881b948B

CHIPS coins are the main tokens of the Chipshop Finance Protocol, pegged to BETH on Binance Smart Chain.

FISH - The Share

Contract address: 0xD47c524ae4Cf0f941D0Dd03b44CD9C80dd4238d6

FISH shares are staked in the Deep Fat Fryer (Boardroom) to earn CHIPS coins.

FISH shares have a maximum total supply of 600 tokens.

  • 50 FISH are allocated to DAO fund.

  • 60 FISH are allocated to the development team.

    • They are both vested linearly over 12 months.

  • 50 FISH allocated to ChipSwap mechanism.

The remaining 440 FISH are allocated for incentivising Liquidity Providers over 12 months, as follows:

  • Pancake LPs CHIPS/BUSD: 3x

  • Pancake LPs CHIPS/BNB: 3x

  • Pancake LPs FISH/BNB: 3x

  • Pancake LPs CHIPS/BTD: 1x

  • Pancake LPs MPEAS/CHIPS: x3 (only in contraction phase).

MPEA - The Bond

Contract address: 0x23A47619f784F109582f07C01D8a72512ba9D0E1

MPEAS is the bond token that becomes available to purchase by burning your CHIPS coins when CHIPS coin price is below peg.

Last updated